EU EED: Guidebook for Strong Implementation

    235 300 Almut Bonhage

    The European Union has three climate and energy targets to be reached before 2020: a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 20% of energy derived from renewables and a 20% increase in energy efficiency. If these 2020 targets are not met, a sustainable, secure and affordable energy system will be exceedingly difficult and expensive to achieve.

    The Coalition believes that the quality of implementation of other directives has been relatively poor. MSs often transpose EU directives with a view to meeting only the minimum levels of ambition, avoiding complexity or changes to existing national law, even though going beyond minimum requirements can often bring numerous economic advantages and other types of benefits. All actors within the value chains of the sectors covered in the EED, be it industry, buildings, appliances, transport or energy supply, have a vested interest in supporting good implementation. MSs have made a political commitment to the 2020 targets and the Coalition will work to help them follow through on that commitment. The Coalition wants to stress that this guidebook is part of a long-term endeavour, rather than a one-off attempt that will end with its publication.

    This guidebook is intended for members of the Coalition and other national, regional and local implementers and stakeholders of the EED, including industry, manufacturers, utility companies and non-profit organisations.

    Editor responsible:
    Stefan Scheuer

    Contributing authors and organisations:
    Andoni Hidalgo (Eurima)
    Andrea Marandino (E3G)
    Arnaud Duvielguerbigny (COGEN Europe)
    Brook Riley (Friends of the Earth)
    Dan Staniaszek (BPIE)
    Dora Petroula (Climate Action Network Europe)
    Eoin Lees (Regulatory Assistance Project)
    Erica Hope (European Climate Foundation)
    Fran McCrae (Stefan Scheuer Consulting)
    Ingrid Holmes (E3G)
    Katarzyna Wardal (European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services)
    Marta Toporek (Client Earth)
    Matthieu Ballu (Stefan Scheuer Consulting)
    Randall Bowie (eceee)
    Renée Bruel (European Climate Foundation)
    WWF European Policy Office


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