Publications on energy savings on the ground

    Energy Efficiency Directive

    The Energy Efficiency Directive and emissions reductions

    724 1024 Almut Bonhage
    Energy Efficiency Directive

    Analysis by Stefan Scheuer Consulting shows that new and additional energy savings resulting from an extension of the most important requirements of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) to 2030, as required to realise the EU’s cost-effective potential for energy savings, would significantly reduce GHG emissions in the sectors not included under the EU Emission Trading System (non-ETS sectors).

    Bean, F., Scheuer, S. (July 2015, updated January 2016). The Energy Efficiency Directive and emissions reductions. Stefan Scheuer Consulting.


    Bankwatch EE1

    Putting energy efficiency first – Reframing the European Investment Bank’s action

    622 880 Almut Bonhage
    Bankwatch EE1

    The aim of this report, commissioned by CEE Bankwatch Network, is to provide arguments why the European Investment Bank (EIB) should apply the Energy Efficiency first principle in its lending decision and explore the most promising mechanisms on how to do this.

    Marion Santini, Stefan Scheuer, 2015. Putting energy efficiency first – Reframing the European Investment Bank’s action in times of transition and uncertainty. A study for CEE Bankwatch Network.


    toolkit complaint

    Guide: Your Complaints For Strong Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive

    619 663 Almut Bonhage
    toolkit complaint

    This practical guide for complaints encourages stakeholders, both at national and EU level, to make best use of complaints to the European Commission in order to tackle poor or lacking implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive.

    Frances Bean, 2014, Your Complaints For Strong Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive. A guide funded by the European Climate Foundation.


    Ademe study

    Study for ADEME on public financing of energy efficiency programmes

    515 593 Almut Bonhage
    Ademe study

    The French Environment & Energy Management Agency ADEME commissioned Stefan Scheuer SPRL to provide a survey of public budgets committed by different Member States through grant schemes, loans or tax measures to support energy efficiency investments in buildings.

    Matthieu Ballu, Paolo Di Stefano, 2012. Efficacité des soutiens publics aux investissements d’efficacité énergétique dans l’Union européenne. A study for ADEME (in French).


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