The UK published its approach to future negotiations with the EU, confirming what government officials have said already in public: the UK rejects any obligations on alignment and wants a comprehensive trade agreement similar to Canada.
The UK wants the same ambitious market access as the EU is aiming for: no tariffs, fees, charges and quantitative restrictions, the most ambitious trade access ever considered by the EU. But the UK does not want to accept stricter trade-related conditions than those applied to other EU trade agreements such as with Canada or Japan.
The chapter on environment and labour lacks the ambition of the EU’s proposal. The UK wants a trade and sustainable development chapter with more basic provisions similar to Canada’s agreement.
The UK seems open for a more developed cooperation on chemicals management, showing willingness for data and information sharing mechanisms, as well as peer agency cooperation.
There is no position yet on institutional arrangements.
According to the text of the mandate, a public consultation on the economic implications of the future agreement will be organised this spring.
UK’s approach to negotiations on a future relationship with the EU